Wednesday, August 29, 2012


A couple of weeks ago my trusty Kenwood TS 940s from the 80's took a digger....powered on then flickered and died...OMG it was the end of the ham world. Not only a good old radio but a great old radio and is a major part of my station. Well to keep a long story short figured it out ordered parts and it came to life....was happy did not want to make that dog we pay the dock or just put him down !

I will put some dates out there....1977, 1979,1985, 1988, 2005,2007 that represents the age of the six radios that make up my station so you can see four of six are real me. But it is nice to have two newer rigs in the shack those one box does it all types, you know everyone has them now 430- 160....but all menu driven, not enough knobs for me...I don't want to go into the menu find the function make the change and then resume operating.....I want to turn a knob and flip a switch, I love my old radios !

And the fact that I have made many great memories with this old stuff....I will keep it around until it quits and can't be repaired and sadly move on. Radios were a bunch of money in the 70's and 80's and now for $1000 you can get four radios in one box....but they just don't have the class...73