Saturday, July 27, 2013

An Antenna I Love.....

Wanted to share a vertical antenna I love. A few years ago a friend shared with me this very cool antenna that works great, it can be installed as a base station antenna, a portable antenna, or even a back pack antenna.
This past field day I used this antenna as a stationary ( when stopped) antenna and it was wonderful even with very bad band conditions....
The first element of this antenna is a JACKITE pole these telescoping poles are used to fly kites with, is a good place to start. The pole you want is the 30 foot, it telescopes to four feet and is light weight great combo. You will feed the 32 feet of wire attached to the pole with a 9 to 1 UnUn that would be a balun for Unbalanced to Unbalanced.....The core is a T130-2 set of 3 enamel wires 9 turns.
I will not go into the math here but it works great. From the balun you add 32 feet of wire an antenna tuner is required and an auto tuner is the best but manual tuner will work fine. This antenna will work 6m-20m with out a counterpoise but you should add another 32 feet of wire to the ground side for 30 and 40m.

Ok First get your pole ( the 30 foot model. second build the balun....

Ok now add your wire and go for it....

TX5K Clipperton , Class Act !

For many of you it is easy to work about any of the DXpedition stations that have been on in the last year or will be on soon. For some of us low power so-so antenna guys it is real work and a challenge, it is such a help when the DX station is running a well controlled and orderly operation.

I would say that the TX5K group that operated from Clipperton this spring has no doubt set the bar very high for operations to come, great operators, well controlled pile up ops and just a pleasure. It was fun to follow them on the web and there online log was great....

Clipperton is not so rare anymore I have cards from two previous operations in the 80's and 90's but this card is most special to me. If it had not been for the great operators and there class act a station like mine ( 100w and low random wire antenna) would have never worked them on the 80 and 160m band....So thanks for a great job and thanks for the great QSL for 80 and 160 cw.....

Thursday, July 25, 2013

6 Meters - What Works ?

I was just on the eham site looking at some posts pertaining to this years E-season. We who operate 6 here in the U.S.  get a mixed bag depending on our location. We who live here in the Northwest always feel short changed when we see the guys in the East and S.East working Europe and the Caribbean many days at a time....
I was very active on 6M in the 80's and at that time I spent many hours working JA's and the South Pacific on F2, what a great time that was. I missed out on some years but now have been active for about 7 or 8 years again on 6. In the 80's I ran a 3el beam for a while and a 5el beam later on at about 50 feet and a 20w Yaesu FT 620B and in my opinion then and now it is all about the opening.

Yes big stations with good antenna systems have the edge at times but us little guys can hang in there too with some operating skill and knowledge. My current station is of the smallest with antenna restrictions I am pushing it with a 3el beam at 15 feet that is painted camo green to blend in and not to be seen from the street. My other antenna is a ground mounted 5BTV that works ok on just does !
Not being the best E season but not the worst I managed to work 160 stations so far this summer and two new DX countries ( both South America)and a few aurora contacts so not all is lost, now if I could get RI and Del to finish my 6m WAS....many years in the making ! My point as always is use what you have, try new things and get on and have fun, still another month of E season so get that 6m antenna up and have at it....73

Friday, July 19, 2013

Our Ham world

There is so much going on in our world today...much I tend to avoid. We can go to hundreds of web pages and see it all so I try to keep it lite here, ham radio, Jeeps and all things non political we can get it else where.
In one of my previous post you saw that my station had to be removed for all new flooring in our house, what a job all rooms had to be moved out then back again. Most of you know what a mess that is but when you have a Ham station it is a real mess. Well we are all done and most is back to normal I thought it would be fun to post some photos of the Ham shack rebuild...

Empty shack with new floor...
Little at a time..

Back on the air and only took a couple of days after the two weeks of floor work....Have a couple of bugs but will work on those when my back stops hurting....get on have fun and build a station...73