Well as always it seems I get way behind on things this time of year....like the Blog !
Lets jump back to March to start, I made the trip to Oregon for WPX SSB and had a great time with old pal K7BUY, as always much BS some radio repair and a good visit. WPX was a mixed bag this year but for the old and slow contest team I think we did ok ( for us) don't look for a world class score.
But from last fall the CQWWDXSSB results are out and for USA area 7 Multi Single we did good first place in our class and a new record.....Wohoo ! DXing has been tough from here this spring worked a few new ones but for most of us as the sun shines more we spend less time in the shack...so less DX. So now we can jump to May....forget April, few contests and slow DXing....
Finished painting my fence, mowed grass, trimmed trees, and worked the first real E skip opening on 6M today...6 was open for a few hours off and on for the afternoon and worked EN41, EM32, EM09,
EN00, and EM26. None were new grids but who cares love to work anyone on 6 many are old friends now like Larry N0LL in EM09 who provides us with his great N0LL/B on 50.077 a staple freq for me. Mike KC0CF who always has a nice signal out of EM32.....well you get the idea, some 6M QSO's are the same each E season but still great fun.
Still running 100W, and 3EL beam at 15 feet on 6 and still having fun. I wish you all a happy spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and a happy Fall in the south....I wish you all Good DX and a great Spring. Remember get on have fun and enjoy what you have....Best 73, K7JAN- Jim .