Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Well here it is December Christmas coming soon and then another year past. I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

I am not a world class operator nor am I on the DXCC Honor Roll so what is to follow is some old common sense DX rules an my observations after DXing and contesting from an HOA with 100W and low profile antennas. Coming soon will be some very high profile DXpeditions and ones I hope to work I hope these few hints will help all my small station brethren.

1. Make sure your station is all that it can be, lets assume you have less than perfect antennas due to HOA or lot size restrictions. Make sure they are fed with good coax with good connectors. Make sure if you are running phone that you audio is the best it can be...not full processing and to much mic gain...a good mic with good clean crisp audio is your best weapon with low power and compromised antennas. my choice is the HEIL PROSET HC-4....But play around and find you audio sweet spot.
Pick your mode..what's the best chance for you ? I believe it is CW for small stations.

Know your equipment, understand how to operate split without that embarrassing mistake of calling on the DX freq, it has happened to many of us so just double check before hitting the switch. Understand where the rig perform the best, we have small stations and need to use all the tools we have.

2. Study and understand propagation, many DXpeditions will post propagation charts you can enter your grid locator and your antenna and it will show your optimum times and bands, it is a good and useful tool. Learn and understand the solar numbers A and K index Flux and SN, check space for updates all helpful and important to us peewee's.

3. Avoid operating rush hours if you can. If you have only weekends to chase that rare one so be it we have to feed the family. I try to avoid weekends and try to set an operating schedule during the week when there will be less of a pileup to deal with...So plan your operating with band opening times and days of the week in mind if you can, this does not always work out but it has worked well for me.

4. be the best listener you can, listen to and heed the instructions put forth by the DXpedition operator, listen to his style and rhythm get a feel for what he is doing. Most DX operators working through a pile up don't stay in one place very long they will be working up and down the pile up so calling where he last worked a station may not always work. Remember our signals are not as strong as the big gun stations so we must be good operators...small and crafty : )

5. Be patent we may not work them at the beginning of there operation it may take many hours and in some cases many days of trying, don't give up the pile up will get smaller as the days pass. It took me eight days to work FT5ZM Amsterdam Isl. last year but on that day I worked them on two modes within the first hour of my attempts....So be patent don't give up, I don't want them on all bands and modes I just want them ONCE that is all I need for new one.

6. DQRM will always be an issue for us and the big guns, it is something we have to live with now sad to say. Don't let these bad apples push you around be patent it always goes away, also band cops are a pain also but once again gut it out your operating time is precious don't let them spoil it hang in there.

I guess I could go on and on but you know my motto, get on have fun and enjoy what ever station you have. Good DX friends...73..K7JAN