Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Ops....

Has been a while so time to post something ! If not for Field Day and six meters there would not be much hamming going on around here this summer. 6 meters has been quite a ride up down in not in you know how it is, as always it seems everyone gets a break but us poor saps in the North West...East coast working Europe West coast working Japan and so on. We just live with the E-skip left overs and hope for the big one.
I had one great day so far this summer on 6 and netted 51 contacts in one day knocked off a couple of needed states for 6m WAS now down to two....come on East coast openings before it is all over for the summer.....
Have enjoyed meeting some now local friends on 6 this year and hope I can meet them soon for an eyeball. Starting to look at the contest calender for the fall with FD and two VHF contests this summer I am am looking foreword to contest time this fall and a little bird hunting.....73

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