Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November DX and Contests

I guess the header should have October in it also.. I made my yearly trip to Oregon for the CQWWDXSSB contest and yes I did get snowed on again...We ran MULTI-ONE again this year and had a good time conditions were very good and as old friends do we spent a little to much time catching up so radio score suffered.
We never will win but we will always have a good time. We ran low power with a tri-band beam and a long wire spending most of our time on 10 and 15m. I hope all who were on during the contest had as much fun as we did. I am recovering from a bug so did not operate ARRL SS CW just did not feel well enough. May do SS SSB and CQDXCW if time allows...

I guess what I wanted to put out there now is two of this months DXpeditions running now, one is Wake Isl. K9W which I think is a less than exciting call, and the other is San Andres 5J0R now that is a good call. I have tried to work the Wake Isl. stations a few times on CW but the pile-up is so unruly and has not been controlled very well by the DX station I have about given up for now.

I have worked the 5J0R station on RTTY after a few days of trying and it seemed to go well, no one was unruly and the callers were well above the DX freq. and it seemed to be a good operation. I guess what I need to know is why these operations get so screwed up with band police sending UP UP every few seconds and operators that are just rude and exhibit poor operator skills ....Tell me if you know...sure makes it tough to hang around for a new one....

Some good stuff coming up in the contest world so if your not in it to win like me in it for the fun of it....Get on have fun and 73....

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