Well here it is the end of 2014, wow where does the time go ? I guess not enough in the Ham Shack !! But not a bad year in all I have got to spend my fair share in the shack and with my great family. It is truly a balancing act to get the time we want for our hobby and for the ones we love, always remember family and friends #1 Ham Radio #2 .
My ham year was not so bad and I wish the same for you, worked a few new for DXCC, worked a few new for VUCC and got to play in a few contests, oh and I have stepped in to the new year by at last getting on LoTW did not know if I would ever get that done ! !
2014 Contesting : I always start the year with the Jan. contests my favorite and most challenging is the CQ 160m CW but this year (2015) I will start with the ARRL RTTY although we will have grand children for the week end I will try !! The first few months of the New Year are filled with some of the best contests of the year. ARRL RTTY, NAQP SSB, ARRL VHF, CQ 160M cw and ssb, CQ WPX RTTY, ARRL DX cw, and that is just Jan. and Feb.
Also this first of the year will bring a couple of good DXpeditions , Jan. FO/KK6BT, TX5W, and in Feb. look for TI6A. so a busy couple of months to start our new year.
2014 was a good year for my trips to see my best friend and operate in a couple of contests I think the joy in ham radio is to look past the bad behavior of others on the bands and enjoy old friends and operating when we get the time. I wish you all a very Happy 2015, and remember...get on have fun and enjoy what ever type of station you have....73 Jim K7JAN
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