Sunday, September 30, 2012


Some times it seems that all is right with the world, lets say the 1980's ham radio is good, solar cycle is heading for the top, ham friends going on off road trips to the wilds of Owyhee County in there Jeeps and all is good....One of those friends is now soon.

I lost a friend today, Dale Long KI7KF a one of a kind guy that I will have with me the rest of my life. Dale and I became friends in the 70's and remained so until his passing some 40 years later. Dale was not a ham at the time but had a keen interest in the hobby. He spent much time in my shack and got his license in the 80's......But this is not only a ham radio thing we were friends, co-workers and neighbors. Our children grew up together, we saw each other through bad times and had some wonderful adventures in the great outdoors of Idaho.....I will Cherish every moment....Field Day with Dale and his Dad, and others who have passed will forever be special to me, his son Chris and my son Fred...Field Day was radio, camping, dirt bikes and just a hell of a good time.

So 73 my old friend, I will miss you, remember you and each contest and field day from now on will be dedicated to you......Jim N7OKG left, Dale KI7KF (SK) center, his Dad Gene KB7SQH (SK) right. On one of our many Field Days.....

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