Thursday, October 11, 2012

From the son of KI7KF

Jim I wanted to say thank you for the tribute to the passing of my father.  For those who read this I am not a HAM enthusiast and did not always understand my fathers passion for the hobby.  It was not until I joined the Army and was working with microwave line of sight rigs that I began to have somewhat of an understanding for what HAM meant to my Dad.  For forever my youth will be WB7QYU (Jim) and N7NUJ (Dad) two handles from days long gone but will never be forgotten.  I hold no memories so dear other than the birth of my son, than my time spent with the Nolands.  As you know my childhood after my parents divorce was not the most optimal of transmission conditions.  I have to say though the times that I spent with you and Fred and Dad "everything was right with the world". I will miss him forever.  73's

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